Data Protection - IPO-Underpricing

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Data Protection

Accountability for Data Collection
The data processing on this website is happened by the website operator. You can find the contact details in the imprint of this website.
How and for what purpose your data is used
Primarily, only technical Data (e.g. browser, operating system or date/time of the pageview) is collected automatically by the IT-systems when you visit the website. This data is used to ensure the functionality of the website.

If you provide us with your (personal) data via the contact form, you do so voluntarily and actively. The transmitted data will only be used for the purpose that is necessary to be able to react accordingly to your contact. The data will not be passed on to third parties and/or stored beyond the purpose of processing your request.

Some of the websites use so-called cookies. These serve exclusively to make the use of the website more user-friendly, more effective, and more secure.

Social-Media Buttons
Social media buttons are included on this website, which can be used to link to the relevant platforms. When using these buttons, codes are used that come from the social media platforms themselves and which set additional cookies over which the website operator of this website has no influence. More information about the cookies that are set via the social media buttons can be found in the data protection declarations of the respective social media platforms that are to be used.

External links
The website partially refers to external websites that are considered trustworthy. However, liability for the content of these websites cannot be associated with this; each of the external website operators is responsible by himself for the compliance with applicable legal provisions.
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